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Revving up for Renewal...

My mind has been all over the place lately; scurrying to and fro, as I prepare for the coming of spring. Having lived my life with the flow of the natural cycles of the Earth for over twenty-five years I am activated by the lengthening hours of light, the dripping of melting ice from the eaves, the smell of the air, the flight of the Sylph (elemental beings of Air), and silent stirring of Gaia as the ground beneath my feet begins to wake. Sometimes I am so intoxicated by the whole process of Spring that I can barely keep track of what day it is, especially when you add the whole time-change thing to the mix, which leads me to a late start to my day in the whole blog-department!

OSTARA, the Vernal (Spring) Equinox is just around the corner and nature has us awakening from our slumber. Our minds are percolating with ideas, just as the tree's sap is boiled into sweet sugar. It's a time that often feels like 'all dressed up and nowhere to go', in which our minds are juiced up but the land and our sluggish bodies don't quite have the gumption to go! This is the perfect time for Magic, particularly the magic of rebirth!

Cyclical rebirth can be gentle; like the opening of a seed, if you let it. Instead of forcing ourselves to lose 20 lbs rebirth invites us to remember what it felt like to be healthy, lighter, and more agile. It entices us to remember what it felt like to play instead of working all the time, instead of brow-beating us for not taking enough time with our kids. It is a joyful becoming and a worthy reward for all the heavy-duty work we did over the winter! Time to celebrate that which you are becoming, that which you are remembering yourself to be...

Ostara (Eostre) is the pagan name for the Vernal equinox, marking the dawning of the New Year; Spring! It is named for the Germanic goddess of the dawn whose name it shares. Ostara's symbols are ones we are quite familiar with...the egg, and the bunny. That's right, the Christian holiday of Easter incorporated the symbols of old pagan worship into their own holidays to help pull in those wayward Pagan (country folk) who refused to give up their customs of honoring the Earth's yearly cycle. This makes celebrating Ostara rather easy.

In my family, we simply celebrated the Ostara Bunny who came at the Spring Equinox. We died eggs, my kids got baskets, and we had a family dinner. Decorations were also pretty easy as you can simply cut the E & a off the word Easter and use the egg as an O, to change most decorations. To make things a bit more magical we would draw Runes and other sacred symbols on our eggs with Sharpie.

For those seeking more information on Ostara check out my blog post 'Ostara...a Point of Balance'-

This Wednesday, March 17th I will be doing an Ostara Ceremony during my Facebook Live 9 (Yes, I am aware that is St. Patrick's Day...I'm celebrating my Irish Heritage tonight 3/15 w/my family). I invite you all to join me in this FREE instructional magic. Below is a listing of things you will need-

YOU WILL NEED- a boiled egg, permanent marker/markers, ceremonial dress-optional (dress for yourself and your magic), a candle, incense, water (moon-water if you have it or spring water)

Our ceremony will be focused on Renewal and New Beginnings. Take some time over the next few days to think about what part of your personal life (relationship, health, home, work) needs to be revived. What part of you have you left behind is crying out to be heard? What dreams do you need to plant in the awakening soil?

Ostara Ceremony


Wednesday, March 17th, 8pm EST

spreading love-


Want to learn more about Magic? Have a desire to connect more deeply with the 'Unseen' World of Nature and Spirit? Ready to become the Witch you know you are?

Salicrow's School of Magic-

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