Stories of Spirit…The Magic of Spring [the vernal equinox, full moon, and the magic of renewal
Photo-Hannah Frigon 2015 The sun is up before me these last few mornings, & puddles of water are gathering on the melting snow of my...
Stories of Spirit…The Magic of Spring [the vernal equinox, full moon, and the magic of renewal
SACRED TRAVEL…Down to the South I Go [Little Rock]
Stories of Spirit…Things that go Boo in the Middle of the Night {adventures of the scooby-doo
Sacred Travel…Releasing Expectations [walking to the Calliagh Berra’s house]
Stories of Spirit…Opening to Spirit [expanding consciousness]
Sacred Travel…Reflections of Self [California dreaming, part 2…Mount Shasta]
Stories of Spirit…Remember the coffee [offerings for the dead]
STORIES OF SPIRIT…Passing Angels [gifts from the dead]
STORIES OF SPIRIT…I Stand! [love vs. hate, and the power of unity]