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Writer's pictureSalicrow

Stories of Spirit…The Magic of Spring [the vernal equinox, full moon, and the magic of renewal

Photo-Hannah Frigon 2015

The sun is up before me these last few mornings, & puddles of water are gathering on the melting snow of my driveway…it’s a sure sign that Spring is on the way.  My soul feels it coming, and is ready for the awakening that it offers.  People like animals are in tune with the cycles of nature.  We settle in, get comfy and do a lot of contemplating in Winter & when Spring arrives we are ready for action.  Like the seeds that germinate, our minds are alive with projects waiting to be birthed, and we feel a kindling inside of us wanting to take action.  This energetic space of percolating ideas is a place of magic, from here we transform our thoughts into being.

Magic/manifestation is simply activated prayer.  It is something we are all capable of, we simply need to believe in ourselves and be realistic.  I know that sounds like counter-intuitive after all isn’t magic outside the realm of ‘reality’?

Hollywood Magic is outside the realms of reality, Real Magic exists within the domain of reality with an understanding that it is not as concrete as most of us like to believe.  Real magic has rules and repercussions, real magic takes focus and the ability to soften the boundaries of what we believe.  It is far less flashy than the movie version, but working with it gives us a greater connection to self and far more control over the path our life takes. Real magic is being proven every day by the science of Quantum-physics.  Through the quantum lens, science is finally catching up with what witches & shamans have known forever…the real world is energetic, made up of thought, light and electricity.  Solid is questionable!

I grew up on magic.  It was in the food my grandmother cooked, the paths we walked in the woods, the playing cards on the table and the ancestors coming for a cup of coffee.  Magic was not reserved for the fullness of the moon or the turning of the season.  It happened every day in the simple actions of living.  That being said, I also learned that ‘Big Magic’, the stuff you really desired could be helped along with the aid of the moon, stars, and cycles of the earth.  This belief was further instilled in me when I began formally studying magic (through books, workshops and experimental study).  This study helped me understand how nature could be a strong ally in my magical working.

With this in mind, I am looking forward to vernal equinox and the energy it carries…

This year the arrival of Spring will be especially potent time for igniting our dreams, as the Equinox takes place during a full Moon, one that just so happens to be the last Super Moon of 2019.  During a Super Moon the Full (or new moon) coincides with perigee; meaning the Moon is the closest to the Earth it’s going to be; making the Moon appear very large. I am all for stacking the deck when it comes to manifestation and this combination adds some tasty ingredients to the pot.  If you were to imagine working magic like making a soup, the Moon & Equinox would be like adding prime-organic ingredients to your meal.

So how do we use this energy? What kind of things should we be focusing our prayer/spellwork on?

The Spring Equinox is a time of new beginnings, a time for planting the seeds we wish to nurture throughout the coming year.  It is a time of peeling away the layers (clothes included) we have put upon ourselves during our winter slumber.  It is a time for setting goals that need tending, and time to develop.  It is also a time of balance, in which there are equal hours of light & darkness…a time of setting the proper footing if you will.

I am personally going to use the energy to refresh projects I am already working on, using the energy of renewal and growth to reconnect with that which I have been fostering for years.  Although my magical dreams are not ‘new’ so to speak, they have been refined over the Winter.  One of the big things that came through loud and clear to me in the darkness was that I need to put the squirrel in a cage.  I have been going too fast for too long, and I need to engage in a different pace in order to enjoy the life I am creating for myself…Time for some ‘Big Cat’ action.  More stalking less running around in 20 directions at once.

For those of you looking to use the energy of the Vernal Equinox to help activate magic in your life here is a simple ritual to start with.  It is non-denominational, you can incorporate your own spiritual beliefs as you see fit.

Vernal Equinox/Full Moon Manifestation-

*The Vernal Equinox takes place on Wednesday, March 20th, 11:19pm EST, the Moon becomes full on March 20th @ 9:43pm EST

*Things you will need-A CANDLE (any candle will do, but white candles are great for all-purpose use, and green is good for new beginnings, fertility, and growth), SEEDS (herbs, flowers or something you can grow in a pot), planting soil & a small pot or if your not a grower of green things you can use a crystal (my go-to), spiritual items for your altar.


Ideally, you want to do your spellwork/prayer/ritual on Wednesday the 20th, preferably between the hours of 10pm & midnight.  This is not necessary but does add some pop to your work.  Please note that full moons and seasonal markers/holidays energy is potent for 3 days prior & 3 days after such events.

  1. Set up an altar with your candle, small pot, soil and seeds, spiritual items as you like

  2. Light the candle and call in your protective spirits, guides, Gods/Goddess, and other allies

  3. Take deep breathes through your nose, imagining with every breath out you are sending protective energy around you, in a sphere of white light (you’re the center of the bubble)

  4. Intention is key here.  Take a few moments in meditation, breathing into your circle of light…allowing yourself to imagine your dreams/goals coming to fruition.

  5. Hold this deep meditative space while you place the soil in the pot (if you’re using the crystal instead you can skip this step).  This is an act of magic, every step is to be held with thought.  The soil you are placing in the pot is an active ingredient, an ally (go organic)

  6. Now pick up your seeds or your crystal.  Cup them in your hands and gently send energy (Reiki is great) into the seed/crystal.  Imagine you are awakening the seed to your potential, placing your dreams within it to germinate.  Pour love and support into the seed/crystal and gently place the seeds into the soil, and place them on the window sill (crystals can go straight to the window sill), make sure to water the seeds.

  7. The space on the window sill should receive moonlight for ideal use

  8. Close your circle by thanking your spirits, gods/goddess’, allies and putting out your candle

  9. over the next weeks, you will need to tend your seed/crystal. Do so by watering the plant, holding the crystal, looking at it longingly, or whatever act of love you have to offer (I sing my magic).  Tend your seed/crystal as if it is precious to you.  You do not need to go back over the work you have set in motion, simply treat your seed/crystal with love and the acknowledgment that you are working magic.

  10. It is important in magic that we direct our focus without knit-picking what we are creating/manifesting.  This is what makes most magical prayer fail.  The constant re-doing of magic is like saying to the Universe “I didn’t get it right the first time, second time, third time, etc…”

  11. Support your magical working by living your life as if you are already standing in your power.  Remember magic is activated prayer and we should be cautious what we wish for.  Is it really in your greatest good, are you being ethical in your manifestation.  “IN ALL THINGS HARM NONE” is a good tenant to go by. For what we put out comes back to us 3-fold.

I hope the Vernal Equinox finds you with a Spring in your step and a sense of wonder in your heart.  Know that magic is prayer, prayer is spellwork, ritual is sacred creation and we are all co-creators of our lives.  What do you want to manifest this year? I would love to hear what projects you are working on this spring.

spreading love-salicrow

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