I have always had a love affair with water. I have never been a great swimmer, nor am I the owner of a boat. My love has been for the Spirit of Water itself. I have been taken in by it’s many sounds…waves crashing on the beach, rapids rushing over granite river beds, lazy lake ripples lapping against the shore, rain pouring on a metal roof, the sloshing of laundry back in forth in the washer. The sound of water alone is magical, rhythmic and soothing. I have admired it’s beauty…snow falling on a moon lit night, rainbows sparkling in the summer rain, tropical pools of turquoise, tanks filled with colorful fish, the glass like stillness of a quiet pond, glaciers gleaming in the Arctic cold. Not to mention the taste. Anyone who has been blessed to drink from the Earth’s own water, unfiltered, untreated, just fresh clean water from the land itself knows that Water comes in many wonderful flavors. The mineral content changing the flavor from spring to spring.
I have lived at the same location for the past 19 years. The primary reason being the quality of the water. My water is outstanding. It’s mineral rich, and quite frankly, the best water I have ever tasted. In the few times my husband and I have thought about moving, the quality of our water has always come up. We are aware of the importance water plays in life, and the problems scarcity of water can create. This understanding has been more and more on our minds as the years move on.
My love for the Earth, and my understanding of the value of water has stirred my soul over the passing months, as I have watched the Water Protectors stand up for theirs. We cannot turn a blind eye at the future as it presents itself, we cannot pretend that we have not noticed the quality of the water on the planet changing. Even those among us who are conservative in mind must notice that we now have to buy our water. I was born in 1971, and as a child I was able to drink out of the riverbeds while out hiking. I also drank from water fountains in public places, like department stores and school. I remember when they started selling water, and how crazy that seemed to everyone. Not so crazy now.
I live a long way from North Dakota, but the responsibility I feel for the water of the world is close.

Water Altar @ Blissful Dragon Farm
Today I was struck by the power of frozen water. While visiting Blissful Dragon Farm (Waterford, VT), I couldn’t help but admire how beautiful the Water Altar was. The water frozen in the offering bowl felt so powerful, its crystalline energy potent with intent. Isa the Rune for Ice immediately came to mind. I thought how ice can create a barrier, shielding anything within it from outside forces. How fitting this seemed to my desire to join forces with the Water Protectors.
I will be returning to Blissful Dragon Farm tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my family and friends. I have great thanks to give this year. I will give thanks to the Earth that provides me with everything. I will give thanks to the Water, the life blood of all Earthlings. I will give thanks to the Water Protectors for standing up for the Mother, and I will send the potent magic of frozen water to join them where they stand. The last bit seems ironic, but some how all the more potent for the saying.
There are those who believe that abstaining from Thanksgiving would make a statement against the wrongs they see happening in our country. I understand the sentiment, but question the judgement of skipping the family feast. Thanksgiving is a holiday about family and community. It is one of the simplest holidays, with a focus on being thankful. How can that be wrong?
We are scared, angry, sad and unbalanced now. As a people we have so much to be disturbed by in this world. That’s why it’s so important that we find our center, our community, that bond that ties us together. Alone we are like drops of rain, tiny drops that hardly make a difference, but together we can be an ocean. When we isolate ourselves, disconnect ourselves and shut off from the world we become the single drop of rain. We become small, insufficient and vulnerable. But when we connect with the world around us, we grow in number, we become significant, strong, and formidable. I want to be one of the many who are connected by community. I want to know my neighbors (even if I can’t remember their names). I want to be connected.
I give thanks for community, and I give thanks for the Water. Tomorrow I will celebrate with my family and friends, and I will send energy out to those who protect the waters. Thanks for reading Folks.
spreading love-salicrow